(DeFi) Pulse Crypto Transaction System

DeFi) Pulse Crypto Transaction System

 DeFi system (DeFiPulse) has been popular since 2017, at the time of 2020-2021 its development is accelerating rapidly.

Recorded at the end of July 2020 the amount of funds raised in smart contracts reached 3 billion USD. And last June 2021 there was 50 billion USD.

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What does DeFi mean?

The presence of the DeFi ecosystem has several advantages, such as ease of access for everyone. DeFi to solve the problems of the traditional financial system through third-party intermediaries such as banks, which makes financial services inaccessible to all walks of life. Taxes taken by DeFi when transactions are cheap and provide convenience for the general public in utilizing financial services.

The basis of DeFi is to make financial inclusion for everyone to have access to financial products and services. It is proven that financial inclusion can help the poor, reduce social inequalities and accelerate the growth of economy.

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DeFi's Conclusion

What is DeFi Pulse system? DeFi is a financial application using blockchain that can operate without third-party authorities such as banks. With the intermediary DeFi system will be done by the code in the smart contract so that the cost of using financial services is reduced so that the poor and the rich can take advantage of deFi financial services system.

Source : DeFiPulse.com
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